Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Madison had her third birthday. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by since she was born. She has been the funnest thing ever. She adds so much to our family. When she was born Noah has always called her his little princess. He would get mad at me if I ever talked to her in a voice that wasn't nice. She definitely thinks she is a princess. I have learned that girls are so much different then boys. She has the cutest personality. I couldn't imagine life without her. She brings so much joy into our lives. We absolutely love and adore our Madison. These are some of the things that we love about our Madison:

She has the best imagination ever.
She loves to dress up.
Every morning we have to lay out about 5 outfits for her to choose from.
She changes her clothes 4-5 times a day.
She loves to do her moms hair.
She loves shoes and purses.
She loves playing with her dolls and doll house.
She loves shopping. (Anything pink she wants to buy.)
She has the most beautiful smile and eyes.
She is very polite and loves to help clean up.
She plays good with other kids.
She always runs away and tells us how bad we made her feel when we get mad at her.
She always tells us how much she loves us.
She loves playing with her dad and Noah.
She adores her big brother.
She loves stories and telling stories.
She loves watching Dora and learning spanish.
She loves riding her bike and playing outside.
She is a lot more daring than her big brother.
She loves to giggle. (when she starts she can't stop)

"Before you were conceived I wanted you
Before you were born I loved you
Before you were here an hour I would die for you
This is the miracle of life."
Maureen Hawkins

She had to wear her birthday crown most of the day.

She loves her vanity.

She rides her bike all the time.

She had to have a princess cake.

She was so excited for her birthday party. She wanted to have a princess party and play water games. We had all of her cousins over and made pretzels and smoothies. They played in the water all day. We did a barbecue and they had smores that night. It was a perfect day for her. She had so much fun. She kept saying happy birthday to me!!
The relief society did a girls night out before the guys had there fathers and sons outing. It was really cute they did it as a disney theme and you could dress up. Madison was so excited she wanted to dress up as her favorite princess Cinderella. All day she kept talking about it and so we finally went home and got her all ready. She had a major break down and started crying and didn't want to go. (She is definitely our drama queen!!) So I put different clothes on her and just rocked her. Well about half hour later she decided she was ready to go so we got her dressed up again and went. She had a lot of fun. She is so much fun to be with. She loves to play dress up and look like a princess.

All ready for the party!

She loves wearing her princess shoes.

Her cousin that was at the party.

Pretty as a princess!!

Another dress up costume!!